Hola, iam Eleanor Taylor, No wild parties while I’m gone, mister!

What Is The Least Painful Body Part To Tattoo? [Solved]

The least painful places to get a tattoo are areas of your body with fewer nerve endings. Think outer shoulder, calf, buttocks, and outer arm. While people generally focus on the location on the body, Stanley Kovak, a cosmetic physician, theorizes that pain is more about size.20 Jul 2022

Don’t Get a Tattoo on These Parts of Your Body

Tattoos can look really badass, but you could wind up in serious pain if you decide to get a

‘I Felt My Soul Leave My Body’ Most and Least Painful Places to Get a Tattoo | Tattoo Artists React

Tattoos hurt. This is undeniable and if anybody tells you differently they’re a liar. That being said, some spots on the


I get asked so often whether or not tattoos hurts, and yes they do, but here are some of the most painful and