Hello, iam David Garcia, Hope you’re having a great day!

What Is The Lowest Passing Gpa? [Solved]

Convert Your Grades to the GPA Scale4.0 ScaleA-FThree Passing Grades4.0AHighest Passing Grade3.0-3.9BMiddle Passing Grade2.0-2.9CLowest Passing Grade1.0-1.9DFail1 more row•27 Jul 2020

The Lowest GPA Someone Got Into Harvard With

I’ll edit your college essay! https://nextadmit.com.

Student sent back to 9th Grade from 12th Grade

A shocking discovery out of a Baltimore City high school, where Project Baltimore has found hundreds of students are failing.

Your GPA Doesn’t Matter

I’ll edit your college essay! https://nextadmit.com.