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What Is The Probability Of Getting A Number 8 From A Pack Of Playing Cards? [Solved]

There are 4 cards of number eight in a deck of 52 cards, namely: 8 Spades, 8 Diamond, 8 Clubs, and 8 Hearts. So the probable outcomes are 4 and the total cards are 52. So, x 100 = 1/13. So there is a 1/13 chance for getting an eight, i.e, for every 13 cards, one card will be an eight.30 Jun 2021

√ Probability of Regular Pack of 52 cards Explained | Playing Cards Probability

https://iitutor.com iitutor explains about Fundamentals of

Probability | playing Cards explanation in hindi.

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From a pack of 52 cards , a card is drawn at random. What is the probability of getting a queen?

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