Hello, iam Douglas Ramirez, So long!

What Is The Shortest Barrel Allowed On An Ar-15? [Solved]

16” Barrel It should be kept in mind that legally, the shortest barrel you can get for an AR is 16″. You might be able to get away with a 14.5″ barrel if you pin a muzzle device on it to make the barrel 16″.23 Jan 2020

When Is An AR-15 Barrel Too Short?

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re …

How Accurate is a Short Barrel AR-15?

The VSO Gun Channel is an educational resource of VSO Media LLC, a media production company, and VSOrdnance LLC, …

AR15 Pistol Vs. SBR: What’s the difference?

Brian and Kirk walk us through the difference between an