Greetings, iam Victoria Horton, Don’t overdo it!

What Is Too Hot To Sit Outside? [Solved]

The regions are based on NOAA’s climate regions. About 68 percent of those surveyed associated a temperature between 85 and 95 degrees as too hot to enjoy, with 90 degrees being the tipping point for about 22 percent of the people.11 Jun 2015

Jordan Peterson - Why it’s so Hard to Sit Down and Study/Work

original source: Psychology Professor Dr. Jordan B. Peterson explains why you don’t …

How to keep your house cool in the summer without AC

Beat the heat with tips on how to keep your house cool without air conditioning. To read more: …

Buttoned up to ride out the storm!

We fit as much product into the booth as we could, but as you can see: it’s a smaller setup than the old booth, so some stuff had to …