Hola, iam Monique Gambone, Don’t overdo it!

What Part Of Asparagus Should You Not Eat? [Solved]

You can eat the whole spear except for the woody stem towards the bottom. Hold the asparagus spear on each end firmly. Gently bend the asparagus so that it bows out away from you. Keep bending until the asparagus snaps.8 Apr 2019

Why You Shouldn’t Snap the Ends Off Asparagus and Why You Should Overcook It | What’s Eating Dan?


Eat Asparagus Every Day And Watch What Will Happen To Your Body.

Reasons Why

Put a little SUNSHINE in your Green Beans 😍😛💖👩🏾| Weeknight Recipe #Shorts Cooking Conversations

Welcome to Cooking Conversations. Tabitha Brown’s Sunshine Seasoning is PERFECT seasoning for any dish. I add a little …