Hola, iam Cornelius Kendrick, No wild parties while I’m gone, mister!

What Pokémon Does 1000 Damage? [Solved]

1 Shadow Lugia Shadow Lugia has 300 HP and an attack called Shadow Storm that deals a glorious 1,000 damage if you can and want to spare four psychic energy cards, that is.27 Apr 2020

The Most Ridiculously Overpowered Pokemon Cards Ever!

Every so often we get cards in the

That’s A LOT OF DAMAGE! Biggest attack in the Pokémon TCG?

Follow Andrew on Twitter @enjoifriend Mahone’s Tricky Gym would not exist without you! I am extremely grateful to my Patrons …

Logan Paul Breaks Window Over Fake $2,000,000 Pokémon Card! #shorts

Logan Paul’s instagram story from October 2020 FOLLOW LOGAN PAUL: https://twitter.com/LoganPaul …