Hello, iam Ralph Dozier, I hope today is better than yesterday.

Does Lavender Keep Bugs Away? [Solved]

Lavender has a strong scent that can repel moths, flies, fleas, and mosquitoes. Use it fresh or dry some of the flowers to hang around the house or put in with your clothing to keep bugs out.19 Apr 2022

Does Lavender Repel Mosquitoes? My Test Didn’t Go Well! And the BEST Natural Insect Repellant!

If you are a mosquito magnet, you’re searching for any way to naturally repel the pests, right? That’s why I added a ton of

Lavender Pest Control : Does Lavender Oil Keep Away Mosquitoes?


Does Lavender Oil Repel Mosquitoes? Biogents Mosquito Cage Test

You want to really get rid of