Hola, iam Israel York, Have a pleasant day.

Does Ow Have Two Sounds? [Solved]

We use the key phrase “Snow Plow” to teach this phonogram because “ow” has two sounds. It says /O/ like in the snow, and /ow/ like in plow. Now, typically students recognize the “ow” (like in plow) sound first, as they have seen “ow” as a word by itself.28 May 2019

“ow” has two sounds in English

Free Reading Master Phonics video for the phonic "

Parents Welcome to #Teaching the Two Sounds of #ow: the Long o and the “ow” Sound Heard in “Ow! “.

Explain to kids that the letters #

What Different Sounds Can “OW” Make? | StoryBots: Learn to Read | Netflix Jr

Let’s learn about phonics and the different