Hola, iam Carol Black, Have a Rock-and-Roll Day!

Does Ship Haus Give Less Xp? [Solved]

Conversation. If you’re trying to level weapons in #Vanguard during Double Weapon XP do NOT run the Ship Haus playlist. It gives significantly less weapon XP than all of the other maps available in the game currently.

Easy Ship Haus 247 XP Farm in Vanguard! (Earn XP Fast in Call of Duty Vanguard Ship Haus 247)

In this video I wanted to share with you an easy

Das Haus Map Guide - Tips & Tricks, Sight Lines, Best Spots and More! (Vanguard Map Guide)


Vanguard: Shipment Weapon XP Problems, Operators Fixed?

After checking on the Nov. 18th fix for the Operator favorite weapon buff, as well as if you