Hi, iam Sheila Tillis, Don’t worry, it’s one day closer to the weekend.

Does The Color Of Thinset Matter? [Solved]

The choice of thinset color is totally dependent on the color of the tile. A dark-colored tile, flagstone or slate looks best set with a gray thinset. If any of the mortar shows through the grout, the color is less apparent.1 Oct 2020

This Grouting Mistake will Ruin Your Tile Job


Thinset for Tile…DO’s and DON’Ts with Jeff Paterson of Home Repair Tutor

In the first part of the video, I talk about a technique called Spot Bonding that is used by many installers, which is the cause of …

Tips on Schluter® thin-set mortar

Schluter®-Systems Tips, Tricks, FAQ video series provides you with all the behind-the-scenes tips, tricks, and answers you’re …