Howdy, iam Mildred Vinson, Have a blessed day.

Does Thinset Stick To Waterproof Membranes? [Solved]

Pre-mixed thinset mortar does not adhere well to waterproof membranes. Instead, it’s essential to use unmixed, powdered mortar. If a pre-mixed thinset is used, it will not adhere well to the waterproofing membrane. This can cause tiles to pop off once the mortar dries.

How to Use RedGard® Liquid Waterproofing and Crack Prevention Membrane

Suited for interior and exterior substrates, RedGard® creates a continuous

Waterproofing liquid membranes VS Sheet membranes, what is your choice?

Common question when it come to

Kerdi Membrane Bonding Test

After the small leak found during my flood test I questioned my entire install. Instead of freaking out and ripping the walls down in a …