Hello, iam Gregg Chen, I bid you good day, sir/ma’am.

Does Toothpaste Work On Phone Scratches? [Solved]

Here’s how this method works: Dab a small amount of toothpaste onto the end of a cotton swab or clean, soft cloth. Gently rub the cotton swab or cloth in circular motions on the screen until you see the scratch go away. After this, wipe your screen with a slightly dampened cloth to remove any excess toothpaste.28 Sept 2018

Remove Scratches from your Smartphone Screen with TOOTHPASTE !

Great product worked well with my Samsung Galaxy s7 edge the instructions were to leave it for 10 minutes but when I

Will Toothpaste Remove iPhone Scratches??

This is a very old myth, for many years people say

Can You Easily Remove Car Scratches With Toothpaste? - Watch Me Put it To Test

In this video I am going to go over whether you can remove