Greetings, iam Margaret Blas, I hope all goes well today.
Does Your Stuff Despawn 7 Days? [Solved]
Death occurs in 7 Days to Die when your Health reaches zero. You will re-spawn after dying, and if you have placed a bed, you will have an optional choice to select to spawn on your bed or near it. Upon death you will lose your items determined by the option set when the map was loaded.
How to Avoid Md5 (losing your base after a game crash)
A quick video to show you how to avoid
Retrieving your lost Backpack - Did you know? - 7 Days To Die - Ps4/Xbox one
How Long Does Your Stash Last In DayZ? When Do Tents & Loot Despawn? Do Buried Items Last Longer? Great info panels from a great DayZ content creator - make sure you follow his account! Thanks …