Hola, iam Mary Kulp, So long!
Has Any Vs Have Any? [Solved]
Senior Member. Yes, “has” is correct there – the answer will take “has” with “neither”, not " have". 1. Your question uses “has” for “any” (“any of them”) where “them” means only two persons, so “any” can only be one of the two persons.27 Nov 2016
5 minutes English Practice: HAS vs HAVE in English
NEVER trust a guy who has any of these in his room!!😳😑🤔
Learn English words with this video lesson about “at
Cooking walnut rice “shami” in the heart of nature!
“shami” with walnuts and rice is one of the types of dinner that is cooked with minced meat. In addition to the great taste, this very …