Greetings, iam Patricia Smith, Have a blessed day.

Has Anyone Walked The Entire Earth? [Solved]

(CNN) — Very few people attempt to walk around the entire world, and even fewer actually manage to complete the journey. On May 21, 2022 Tom Turcich, from New Jersey, became the 10th person on record to achieve this remarkable feat, while his four-legged companion Savannah was the first dog to do so.1 Jul 2022

I Walked Across The Earth!

I got three teams to race across the

He WALKED to the Minecraft Far Lands…

Minecraft’s Far Lands have finally been reached, 100% legitimately. » Experiments Playlist …

Ep 95: Lewis Black

The legend Lewis Black joins Mark Normand and Sam Morril on this episode. Sharing stories of the Daily Show, riding around …