Hi, iam Richard Thornsberry, You have yourself a good one!
How Accurate Is The Mmpi Test? [Solved]
To test the accuracy of the MMPI in identifying such patients, the authors blindly rated 63 MMPIs as being either multiple personality or not. The over-all hit rate for the entire sample was 71.4%, with a 68% hit rate for correctly identified patients with multiple personality.
Is the MMPI Unbeatable? | Review of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
This video answers the questions: Is the
MMPI-2 Psychological Test: Controversial, but Hard to Fake
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - MMPI (Intro Psych Tutorial #136)
www.psychexamreview.com In this video I briefly describe the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory or