Howdy, iam Andrew Reeder, Have a two coffee day!

How Accurate Should An Ar 15 Be? [Solved]

What is an AR-15’s Expected Level of Accuracy? Based on 5-shot groups, most mid-level ARs will average 2 MOA or better (roughly 2” at 100 yards). With good ammo, many higher-end defensively oriented versions will shrink that by nearly 50%, putting 5 shots into around 1 ¼ MOA.27 Jul 2020

Basic AR-15 Practical Accuracy

AMAZON NOTICE: As an Amazon Associate, Iraqveteran8888 earns from qualifying purchases. Copyright 2016, 88 Industries, …

How Accurate is the Average AR-15?


Is The AK-47 More Reliable Than The AR-15?

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