Namaste, iam Robert Wells, So long!

How Can I Lose 80 Pounds Healthy? [Solved]

Try eating a healthy diet of mostly plant-based foods and exercise every day, even if it’s just walking for an hour in the morning. Choose foods that are healthy and gluten-free if possible. Then as you eat, be mindful of your food and how it tastes, and listen to your hunger cues.6 Jan 2022

HOW I LOST 80+ LBS!! // My weight loss journey from a size 18 to 8 + TIPS

Hi everyone! In this video I detail my weight

5 Tricks That Helped Me Lose 80 Pounds

intermittentfasting #fasting #OMAD #weightloss In this video, I give you 5 tricks that helped me

How I Lost 80+ Pounds | Weight Loss Tips …(no BS)

How I Lost