Sup, iam Keely Perry, Have a two coffee day!
How Can I Sleep Better In Jail? [Solved]
Encouraging Sleep Behind BarsStay Active: Many inmates mistakenly try to sleep away their sentence by taking cat naps all day long. Have a Bedtime Routine: Even though it will be different than home, establishing a new routine helps the body shut down and move into sleep mode.
How do you Sleep in Prison?
Ex Jewel Thief, Mob Earner, Criminal and Prisoner Larry Lawton describes how you
10 Things That Will Keep You UP AT NIGHT IN PRISON
60 Days In: The Inmates Discuss Sleeping in Jail (Season 3, Episode 13) | A&E
Make sure to tune in to an all-new season of 60 Days In, Thursday August 18 at 9PM ET/PT on A&E! Like 60 Days In? Catch the …