Howdy, iam Jason Hill, Hope you’re doing good!
How Can I Tell If My Turtle Is Growing? [Solved]
The best way to tell if your young turtle is growing is by regularly measuring his shell. The health of his shell indicates his overall health. If you raise your turtle from a hatchling, he should have a complete shell by his first birthday. Healthy shells are firm to the touch and free of lumps and pitting.
How to Tell if your Turtle’s Shell is Healthy, Spot Shell Rot and Overfeeding Pyramiding.
In this video I will show and explain how a healthy
Why my red eared slider turtle is not growing? 🤔 ||Why my turtle is so small?
some common
Help! Your Turtle’s SHELL Is Peeling!! | What It Means!
… Zilla Shed-Ease Reptile Bath