Sup, iam Maria Mcknight, Today’s going to be an amazing day for you. I can feel it!

How Can I Think In English? [Solved]

6 Ways to Think in EnglishDon’t use a bilingual dictionary. Learn vocabulary in phrases, not single words. Start using the vocabulary as soon as possible. Talk to yourself in English. Get an English-speaking friend or partner. Travel.15 May 2014

How to THINK in English | No More Translating in Your Head!

Do you want to know how to

How to think in English and stop translating in your head

Have you ever struggled to respond quickly in a conversation, haven’t you? It means that you translated your answer from your …

How to think in English | No more translating in your head!

Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:43 How it all started 02:22 The first and main tip 03:25 Start talking to yourself 04:15 The best thing …