Hola, iam Ellen Acker, Today’s going to be an amazing day for you. I can feel it!

How Did Ladies In Crinolines Go To The Toilet? [Solved]

Let’s start with the commode and chamber pot, or the privy. To use either of these options, a women in the mid-Victorian era would simply lift up her skirts and crinoline at the back. The skirts and crinoline will press up flat against her back. Then, she would sit down.30 Jun 2021

Victorian realities - how did they use the toilet??!

After our recent videos ( Moving in a

How did Victorian women go to toilet? A remake!

I have covered that topic 4 years ago, but it needed some updating - so here we

How Did They Pee in Those Dresses? A Superficial History of Underwear

[2:19] In the English-written sources I’ve found so far. Unfortunately I can’t presently speak for primary accounts written in other …