Hola, iam Clinton Negri, May your day be joyful.

How Did Umbridge Get Mad Eyes Eye? [Solved]

Yup, that’s right: when the Death Eaters killed Mad-Eye, and then took over the Ministry, they apparently gave Mad-Eye’s “mad eye” to Umbridge. Who then installed it in her door to use as a way of spying on her fellow wizards.

How did Umbridge get Mad-Eye Moody’s Eye ? (Harry Potter Explained)

If Dolores

WOHER bekam UMBRIDGE das Auge von MOODY?!

Eine neue Folge “Ich beantworte eure Harry Potter Fragen”… wieder mit sehr vielen richtig guten Fragen, die ihr mir gestellt habt …

Mad Eye Moody’s Lesson - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire [HD]

[Available in up to 1080p HD] Please leave suggestions for additional scenes to be uploaded. Harry Potter is the property of J.K. …